Demographic and social needs data collection resources

As part of our mission to improve the collection and use of data on the social determinants of health in primary care across Canada, we have compiled a range of supportive resources, including clinic posters and templates for messaging patients. We also created a Change Package to guide clinical, Quality Improvement, and other teams in primary health care in collecting and using social data.

To access SPARK Tool materials and resources, please first complete this survey to help us better understand the reach and adoption of the SPARK Tool across Canada.

This survey should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete and consists of three parts:

  1. Participant information

  2. SPARK Scale-Up Reach and Adoption Survey

  3. Optional contact details for follow-up

Please coordinate within your team to gather responses from the appropriate staff and submit one survey response per clinic. If you have questions or would like a PDF copy of the survey to review with your team, please email us at