Primary Health Care at the Deep End Canada

A network of primary health care teams working with patients who may face social and/or economic disadvantages.

Who we are

A network of primary health care teams, including health professionals, researchers, patient partners, and decision-makers, working working with patients who may face social and/or economic disadvantages.

We collaborate to improve the collection and use of social data and address social determinants of health in primary health care at the individual, clinic, and policy levels.

Why become a member of Deep End Canada?

Deep End Canada members participate in a network of primary health care teams, including health professionals, researchers, patient partners, and decision-makers with the same goal: address social determinants of health and advance health equity at the individual, clinic, and policy levels. Members receive resources and personalized coaching support.

To become a member of Deep End Canada, simply complete the membership form below. You may also contact us to inquire about membership or to learn more.

Members of Deep End Canada will

Receive support to collect demographic and social needs data from their patients (survey tool, materials, coaching, etc.)

Share challenges and strategies with other sites across Canada during facilitated meetings

Contribute to a developmental evaluation of Deep End Canada to learn from this network and prioritize future action on health equity

Meet with an implementation coach to support clinic priorities and health equity initiatives

Participate in advocacy opportunities for health equity in primary care and beyond

Our partners

Primary Health Care at the Deep End Canada (Deep End Canada) is one of the Deep End Project sites worldwide. What started as a network of physicians serving the 100 most deprived populations in Scotland, the Deep End Project has coalitions in nine countries, including Japan, Australia, Ireland and now Canada.

Join Deep End Canada